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Spadafora is a legit contender

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    floyd should lose that number 2 spot for ringmagazine P4P...


      Originally posted by studentofthegam View Post
      Spaddy would prolly beat the **** out of Chavez.

      Honestly I dont know how formittable Paul's gonna be but you know its not a fight any of the haters would boycott. So stop acting like yall wont find a way to tune in. And that my friend is the bottom line.
      Honestly, I have watched every single Mayweather fight, but Paul Spadafora, I would honestly think about that and chances are I would not order it. I don't think there is anyway any hardcore fan falls for even the best marketing they can do for that. This coming from a guy that ordered Cotto vs. mayorga for 59 bucks.


        Originally posted by Forza View Post
        i'd 1 punch your fat ass like vitali did to solis rofl
        Men punch. You're too sweet to punch. And if you'd actually knew how I look and see the type of hoes I pull, you wouldn't even come back to this thread.


          Originally posted by Forza View Post
          i'd 1 punch your fat ass like vitali did to solis rofl

          LOL internet tough guy..

          What a dumb ass.. I bet you would get beat up by lady gaga ..


            Originally posted by 2501 View Post
            Men punch. You're too sweet to punch. And if you'd actually knew how I look and see the type of hoes I pull, you wouldn't even come back to this thread.
            Im guessing you pull fat hoes. And you have fat pizza *** with them. and when you have a kid he or she will be FAT too


              When Manny fights him after Floyd does, are the Manny fans gonna switch their tune about Spadafora?


                Originally posted by hhs661 View Post
                When Manny fights him after Floyd does, are the Manny fans gonna switch their tune about Spadafora?
                Only if by some miracle he beats Floyd. And I've got a better chance of ****ing Jessica Biel than that happening.


                  if this fight pops off, it's a resounding fact that floyd is a cherry picking joke, and to the thread starter, you're a joke.

                  like i've said before, if this is really floyds choice, he is obviously going by whats on paper and not on momentum or even what is a good match up.

                  i like spaddy, but dude is so removed from the sport, its not even a ****ing contest.

                  spaddy was close to being exposed by pressure fighters with his draw with dorin, and after that he has been carefully put in against guys that he could beat by having better ring generalship to beat them.

                  as a spaddy fan this fight is a joke, and not good for anyone, no the fans, the participants (other than a check), for boxing, etc.

                  just because spaddy is undefeated doesn't make him ready for a mayweather fight and doesnt qualify him for a fight with mayweather, who has he beaten? who has he fought recently to give him a shot and a CHANCE at winning. what does he bring to the table? a zero? get the **** out of here!

                  again this is the frank warren model of match making, im not going to get into it, but basically, it's pick someone who looks good on paper, who isnt a threat, at all.........

                  anyone who is trying to justify this match up is not a fan of boxing and knows absolutely jackschit about boxing, match making, or anything else about boxing.

                  even the thought of this match up, right now, at this point in their careers, makes me sick, i couldn't even laugh at this one, just hearing about it gave mud butt...........

                  you're better off dead in the boxing world if you accept this fight as legit.......


                    well i'm convinced. When does the 24-7 start?

                    And funny that floyd's trial isn't getting in the way of a spadafora fight the way it did with pacquiao...



                      A contender????



