The Tournament Champ VS. the Montiel-Donaire winner is goin to be interesting.
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Comments Thread For: Vic Darchinyan and The Power of Mean
i think the vaunted power of vic did not go with him at bantam.
then mares is the more technical boxer of the four, though he's the shortest.
yonny is tall and should utilize more his long jabs.
my guess is perez and mares it will be in the finals.
king kong? he can beat darchinyan again....the oldest guy.
Words "mean" nothing , unless you fear them.
Tyson was great at words , its one of his strengths to scare his opponents.
But he used that strength to cover up his weakness, insecurities, which created fear and lack of GAMENESS deep in the trenches,,,,hence HOLYFIELD and LEWIS.
His power and speed with a ferocious look and speech won most of his fights. He was great as long as he was winning but then didn't know what to do when he was Challenged.
Thats the way it is with most bullys.
I never heard LISTON talk trash, he just held up a couple of fingers. He had that mean glare,
Trash talking for the most part came from ALI, Cassius Clay. ONE Dallas reporter called him Gaseous Cassius !!! His trash talk was FUNNY not VILE like Tyson or Mayweather.
Bullys can really bring on the talk , what they are gonna do with you etc....but they run in the end.
Donaire tamed the Bully.
I am pulling for the Mexican Mares.