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Comments Thread For: Margarito's Manager: Roach, Should We Talk Aniti-Doping?

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    war margarito !!!!!!!!!!!!


      Originally posted by americanbot View Post
      its true.

      its true.....

      if team pac keeps bringing up margs bricks I'm sure team marg will bring up pacs drug testing fiasco.
      margo was caught with the paris plaster...
      pac passed all his drug test...

      HUGE difference


        Originally posted by serv View Post
        margo was caught with the paris plaster...
        pac passed all his drug test...

        HUGE difference
        Simple and easy to understand but try getting this explanation thru to Floyd fans ........... easier said than done.


          It is ok to speculate but the fact is..Marg got caught..

          ...KO'd and banned for a year...that was pretty clear.


            Originally posted by Mayabang View Post
            lol yeah, if Pac-Marg fights get cancelled here's what will happen:

            1. Pac stays wealthy and famous and life goes one
            2. Marg becomes broke, and every chance of redeeming himself goes down the drain, and people will still consider him as a cheater.

            So who wins in the end?
            Justice served. The pathetic 150lb catchweight fight for the WBC 154 title does not happen and maybe hopefully 2 other deserving top 10 ranked 154 fighters fight for the belt at 154.


              Originally posted by boxingfan76 View Post
              manny pac fans are a bunch of thugs, and his team are a bunch of loudmouth priks, I dare say , im not even a fraud jr fan , but manny fans are far worse thugs in need of some humble pie than floyd fans.pacfans are too arrogant too mouthy, Im hoping tony puts a beatdown on that overrated clown, just to hear all your excuses, and expose all your ******ity,even further. manny fans the worst thugs in boxin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              It will not look good if Margo happens to catch Manny with the Hail Mary punch Shane caught Floyd with and lays him out.

              Originally posted by TheSurgeonMDMPH View Post
              Now we can either expect :

              A. Lawsuit for defamation


              B. SILENCE on the subject
              I believe Bob and Team Pac blasted an email to Team Margs with the headline:

              Lay Off The Subject Or Else

              In either case, this should fire up Manny to make Margo pay for even suggesting Manny's been doping. Such assinine coments warrant a one round KO, right folks? Why even let it go past one round?


                Just put this cheater in a coma. He should be behind bars in Mexico being someones puto in prison. Sickening how Pacquiao gave this cheater an undeserved 4 million dollar pay-day and this puto and his puto manager want to talk ****?


                  Originally posted by FerdinandMarcos View Post
                  Manny is afraid of anybody that isn't a drained plodder.
                  Are you referring to Marg? He's only fought above 147 a few times in his career. How does that make him drained. He's 156 or so right now and looks like a rock. Who else takes challenges like Manny?


                    Originally posted by yesir View Post
                    shane passed his drug test too. the fact that manny doesnt want to take OST fully random makes him extremely su****ious of using PEDS...period
                    Manny Has agreed to take random ost, unlimited urine, blood right after the fight. What more do you want. Hair samples


                      Originally posted by serv View Post
                      margo was caught with the paris plaster...
                      pac passed all his drug test...

                      HUGE difference
                      Shane Mosley past all his drug tests too,damn fool.

