French websites are reporting that Jean Marc Mormeck is trying to land a fight with Tomasz Adamek for July. Mormeck's team has already made and signed a pre-contract. The fight could take place in the US.
Mormeck is quoted as saying "C'est un tueur, il fait peur à tout le monde. C'est dingue comme ça me motive. J'en salive d'avance. C'est du très gros, je vais prendre un risque énorme et ça me fait plaisir."
"He's a killer, everyone is scared about him. I am incredibly motivated. I am looking forward to this. It's something huge, I will take an enormous risk but I like that."
Mormeck is quoted as saying "C'est un tueur, il fait peur à tout le monde. C'est dingue comme ça me motive. J'en salive d'avance. C'est du très gros, je vais prendre un risque énorme et ça me fait plaisir."
"He's a killer, everyone is scared about him. I am incredibly motivated. I am looking forward to this. It's something huge, I will take an enormous risk but I like that."