you can't just say pac-man is the the best of this decade, you have to start at the beginning to the end, not just judging the end of the decade with the cotto fight. you have to go back and remember fight for fight till now. but believe me, i can guarantee that half the people in these forums haven't been fighters/fightfans/nuthuggers for more then 5 years.
you can't just say pac-man is the the best of this decade, you have to start at the beginning to the end, not just judging the end of the decade with the cotto fight. you have to go back and remember fight for fight till now. but believe me, i can guarantee that half the people in these forums haven't been fighters/fightfans/nuthuggers for more then 5 years.
Pacquiao been tearing **** up since at least 2001 (Ledwaba fight). He has good achievements before this too. You don't even need to include every year, the fact is Pacquiao has probably achieved the most in the shortest space of time and nobody has surpassed him. They have like 18 days left to do it.
I mean, it makes no real difference either way.. but when someone asks you to count to ten, would you say "zero, one, two, three, four, etc..." probably not!