Lets see. Took 10 rounds to stop Hatton, didn't stop a LW Marquez. Buckled Oscar's knee once but thats it. Has a low output, has declined in every department as he moved up in weight. My answer, NO.
And his father trying to cover it up by saying Pac is on it..
This was one of the first things I thought. It could be a guilty conscious about what he assumes is the norm if he knows his son does it. Like when a dude cheats on his chick then the second some other dude talks to his chick he assumes that means there is something shady going on.
Quite possible. But because people arent amazed at PBFs abilities he dont get the accusations Pac gets.
The only topics of conversations about PBF are of how he ducks great fighters and how boring his fights are. His abilities arent good enough for people to mention steroids alongside his name.