Originally posted by Dave Rado
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The last people in the world to meanly treat an opponent, would be the Klitschko Brothers, who are as renowned for their sportsmanship and charity works as they are for boxing.
The contract with WK was accepted and Haye pulled out citing a pulled muscle, when coincidentally at the exact same time, Setanta, from whom Haye was to get his purse [with which he was perfectly satisfied ] went bankrupt. I didn't see any report that negotiations were re-opened with W Klitschko, to amend the purse, as we'd normally expect. Haye pulled out as quickly as he could, as if saying to himself......"whew, what a narrow escape".
The second fight was either a return in case Haye beat WK, which is often quite standard in contracts, or a new fight with VK who was the most money-worthy opponent for a victorious Haye.
When he pulled out of the fight with VK, Klitschko said that his contract with Haye was essentially the same as Haye's contract with WK which, until Setanta went machulla, was perfectly acceptable to Haye.
Are you calling K a liar??????............hmmm!