A question NO ROID RAGER wants to ask
Hey, Google......
Why are steroids banned in boxing ?!?
"Steroids have many harmful effects on an athlete's body. The body uses various hormones to control metabolic activities. In children and adolescents, steroids can lead to early stoppage of bone growth resulting in growth ******ation which is irreversible. Steroids can increase the risk of tendon and muscle injury."
(Children and adolescents ?!?!?!)
So, it's more harmful to the taker ?!?!?
Umm, boxing even without roids is dangerous to the taker.
Let's delve further
The Horse's Mowf -
Again, cries about harmful effects ON THE USER !!!!!
On line with my opinion -
Rethinking boxing's PEDs conundrum
"I think that PEDs use significantly contributes to the increased risks of brain injury in fighters," Dr. Goodman said. "I am hoping this will be proven one day -- soon."
Moving on.......
Hey, Google.......
What advantages do steroids have in an actual boxing match ?!?
"Anabolic steroids help build muscle tissue and increase body mass by acting like the body's natural male hormone, testosterone. However, steroids cannot improve an athlete's agility or skill. Many factors determine athletic ability, including genetics, body size, age, ***, diet and how hard the athlete trains."
Anabolic Steroids and Sports: Winning at any Cost
Why Some Athletes Abuse Anabolic Steroids -
Believing that anabolic steroids can improve competitiveness and performance, uninformed or misguided athletes, sometimes encouraged by coaches or parents, abuse these drugs to build lean muscle mass, promote aggressiveness, and increase body weight.
(Not boxing specific, doe )
Nothing scientific as far as the web can see.....
And yet, MFers want to shake their fists at the sky
Hey, Google......
Why are steroids banned in boxing ?!?
"Steroids have many harmful effects on an athlete's body. The body uses various hormones to control metabolic activities. In children and adolescents, steroids can lead to early stoppage of bone growth resulting in growth ******ation which is irreversible. Steroids can increase the risk of tendon and muscle injury."
(Children and adolescents ?!?!?!)
So, it's more harmful to the taker ?!?!?
Umm, boxing even without roids is dangerous to the taker.
Let's delve further
The Horse's Mowf -
Again, cries about harmful effects ON THE USER !!!!!
On line with my opinion -
Rethinking boxing's PEDs conundrum
"I think that PEDs use significantly contributes to the increased risks of brain injury in fighters," Dr. Goodman said. "I am hoping this will be proven one day -- soon."
Moving on.......
Hey, Google.......
What advantages do steroids have in an actual boxing match ?!?
"Anabolic steroids help build muscle tissue and increase body mass by acting like the body's natural male hormone, testosterone. However, steroids cannot improve an athlete's agility or skill. Many factors determine athletic ability, including genetics, body size, age, ***, diet and how hard the athlete trains."
Anabolic Steroids and Sports: Winning at any Cost
Why Some Athletes Abuse Anabolic Steroids -
Believing that anabolic steroids can improve competitiveness and performance, uninformed or misguided athletes, sometimes encouraged by coaches or parents, abuse these drugs to build lean muscle mass, promote aggressiveness, and increase body weight.
(Not boxing specific, doe )
Nothing scientific as far as the web can see.....
And yet, MFers want to shake their fists at the sky