Gvozdyk said that Beterbiev skill and technique is underrated as if he only relies on power. This is also something that JSJ team overlook, that Beterbiev boxing skill, IQ, ring generalship, is beyond good, it's top class. Smith Jr has 3" longer reach, but Beterbiev has experienced an even bigger man in Usyk during amateur, and he is still probably the only guy that ever knocked Usyk down.
4 belts unification is mouthwatering, also because Bivol is the only high quality LHW left at this moment. This will be battle of skills, especially on who can get the range earlier. If Bivol can neutralize Beterbiev by keeping him at bay, then yeah he has a chance. But few hard shots of Beterbiev is enough to slow down Bivol then creating more damages. I would say it's 60-40 for Beterbiev, kinda similar to Gvozdyk fight but probably with more boxer and footwork from Bivol.
4 belts unification is mouthwatering, also because Bivol is the only high quality LHW left at this moment. This will be battle of skills, especially on who can get the range earlier. If Bivol can neutralize Beterbiev by keeping him at bay, then yeah he has a chance. But few hard shots of Beterbiev is enough to slow down Bivol then creating more damages. I would say it's 60-40 for Beterbiev, kinda similar to Gvozdyk fight but probably with more boxer and footwork from Bivol.