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Comments Thread For: Khan's Painful Exit Forever Buries The Mayweather Blueprint

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    Comments Thread For: Khan's Painful Exit Forever Buries The Mayweather Blueprint

    By Lyle Fitzsimmons - It was a sad sight. Well, sad for me at least. Looking at a press conference dais and seeing Amir Khan, hunched in a dark hoodie, the left side of his face swollen and abraded, his lips puffy and discolored, was difficult. Not because I thought, at age 35 and more than two years on from his last ring appearance, that his days as a world-class boxer were anything but behind him.
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    He could of gave Mayweather some fits but I think he woulda lost clearly anyway.

    Lol at this article as if khan was the only one with a chance to beat froid or some kind of great fighter with their choice of picture dor the article


      It doesn’t matter what physical abilities he may have had better than Floyd no way he beats him period. Floyd would’ve figured him out n broke him down. Khan wouldn’t be able to maintain that kindve composure for 12 rounds. Props to Khan tho he’s got bigger balls than just about every fighter in the game never shied away from a challenge.


        This article is laughable.
        im an Englishman and supported khan during the Olympic Games where he won silver but the second he turned pro and made ridiculous demands
        before entering the ring, it showed the direction he was looking.
        ”mayweather blueprint” what??? Tell us your joking!?

        ets have some more facts you missed,
        pacman: as quick as khan if not quicker, threw big power shots (singular) with ko power against bigger men and could absorb big shots.
        de la Hoya: seemingly on the tail end of his career was also very quick, could box and had power.
        judah: was finished before he fought khan.
        marquez: Floyd put probably the most skilled Mexican counter puncher on his back side and took an easy ride to victory.
        Mosley: incredibly quick with much more power and beautiful boxing skills got beaten by Floyd.
        the late great comeback kid, Diego “chico” corralles was tall, quick, had power, could take one and Floyd served him his first loss putting him on his back side atleast 6 times.
        Canelo: 42/0 at the time so nobody can tell me he couldn’t do this game, soundly made to look amateur.(and that’s being kind)
        cotto: I had Miguel doing far better than the scorecard suggested, he actually gave Floyd what I think was his first nosebleed!!
        ”the maulers” Ricky Hatton,baldomir,Castillo,maidana all lost.
        more more and more champs he beat and never lost so my question is,
        taking into account the complete set plus more shown above, where would khan figure in any of that to provide Floyd with a loss.
        it’s utterly ridiculous to even consider it OR have considered khan as any kind of threat at ANY time.
        kell did what we here in England KNEW he would have done at anytime and the frustration was khant knew it too.


          This dude is using Khan to take shots at Mayweather. He may have troubled Mayweather for the first few rounds, but once Mayweather made the necessary adjustments it would be ballgame. Dude loses credibility in my mind for this article.


            Khan would have never have even come close to beating Mayweather, who handled speed fighters (Pacquaio, Mosely, Judah) fairly easily. Mayweather seemed to be troubled more by the ****ers - Castillo & Maidana. Mayweather would not have feared Khan's power so he might have been more offensive and stopped him but most likely wins a WIDE decision over any version of Khan.


              Of all the fighters who might have beaten Mayweather, Khan isn't one of them.

              If you can't decisively beat Lamont Peterson, you're not beating Mayweather.


                Look, "what if" articles are fun and meant to stir debates. Nothing wrong with them. The more controversial, the better.

                But come on.... they have to be routed in some kind of realism.
                ajamudc ajamudc icee icee like this.


                  With Khan's chin, he'd get wobbled by Floyd's straight right or left hook. Floyd would time him all night.
                  J.Dempsey J.Dempsey likes this.


                    What a joke of an article lol

