ortiz quit and they stick for him
meanwhile cotto fights his ass off like a warrior and they call him a quitter
Yeah their is, and they could give two ****s if Margarito possibly used Plaster against Cotto. Why would Margarito only try to cheat against a 37 yr old fighter but not the guy who beat Mosley who is younger and looks more in his prime?
Like I said in the other threads, I dont Knock people for quittin I knock People, who tries to act, or says they are all macho, big warriors with Huevos the size of texas and then start a quitting spree!!!!!
What i HATE is when some internet tough guy calls a boxer like cotto, ortiz or ANY boxer for that matter, a quitter or *****, or bum.... because he lost or "quit",... F*#& whoever says that, get in the damn ring and show us you wouldn't quit, no double standards here, though i was a little dissapointed last night
Like I said in the other threads, I dont Knock people for quittin I knock People, who tries to act, or says they are all macho, big warriors with Huevos the size of texas and then start a quitting spree!!!!!