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Chad Dawson is overrated.

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    Originally posted by BBoy MeYHeM View Post
    Of course, I knew this was comming..
    He had an off night when he wasnt supposed to..
    O well, I know that he will be P4P king sooner or later..

    Hes the best, and Hopkins and Zaghe know not to **** with him which is why Hopkins declined a fight with him, and why JC is staying retired..

    If someone posted this already my bad, im not reading thru 6 pages of BS..
    there's no reason for either of them to fight Chad. Even though I'd love to see B-hop stop this guy.
    1.) Nobody knows who he is(if you didn't notice, during the fight people were chanting Tarver!)
    2.)He brings no money to the table
    3.)wont be much of a name/WIN on either man's resume at this point in time


      Originally posted by S a m u r a i View Post
      How would you know, Mr. Patheticfraud?
      Jesus Christ frko, Save your "Calzaghe's not a slapper" speech for someone who gives a crap.


        No, he isn't. He just had a somewhat lacklustre finish against a figher he's dominated before, in a rematch that should never have happened. Honestly, I was worried he might lose tonight, such was the de-motivation for this fight.

        He ain't perfect. Chin ain't rock solid, he gets stunned (but he's got heart), he takes too many rounds off and makes fights closer than they should be, and he lacks a little bit of the killer instinct.

        But don't judge him too much on tonight. Just because Lampley and Kellerman were underwhelmed doesn't make him **** or overrated or whatever.

        And I'm sorry but he beats Kessler and easy. Have you seen Chad's body attacks? And then remember how Calslappy hurt Kessler to the body. Too big, too slick, too skilled for Kessler.

        I have him beating Hopkins too. Seems beating Pavlik has made people forget how bad Hopkins was looking before that fight - Winky, Taylor, Calslappy. Chad is vulnerable when trading, but I can't see Hops doing that. Dawson's got great footwork and upper body movement, and his speed and athleticsm would be too much for Hops at this age. If Taylor can cause Hops problems, then Dawson most definitely could.

        Oh, and yes, I have him beating Slapzaghe too. Who has Joke fought at LHW? Two diminished old fighters. Not a strong, skilled southpaw, who is faster than him, has a great body attack and a great jab. As I said, Chad's chin ain't granite, but if Slappy rock or take out Roy, then he ain't taking out Chad. Calslap****'s will to win and superior workrate may prevail in the end, but I'd favour Chad big time personally.

        As for Glen Johnson? Well, he didn't look too great in his last fight. But even as a Dawson fan, I think he probably beat Chad in the first time. If you get Chad slugging, then he's vulnerable. I think a re-match would be close again, with Dawson probably edging another close decision. I think stylistically, he caused Dawson the most problems.

        Anyway, yeah.....Chad ain't overrated. Kid is quality. Just watch him really blossom in the next few years.


          Originally posted by The_Bringer View Post
          I had Dawson beating Johnson, in a very close contest.

          How can I "say the same about Johnson"?

          He was more than happy to mix it up with Chad, and he didn't look like a teenager with his **** caught in his zipper everytime he went back to his corner.

          Not to mention the way Chad flat out refuses to rematch him.

          That ***** can get back to hiding under whatever rock he crawled out of, he's got no heart, no chin, and no balls.

          He gets nothing from me.

          Awww come on my old friend that's bull**** and you know it. Chad has had two fights after Johnson and they were BOTH against Tarver! That doesn't mean he is ducking him just that he had bigger fish to fry. Now that that is done we will see where his heart is at.


            Originally posted by street bully View Post
            From what I saw right now this man would get outclassed by Hopkins and even Calzaghe. The guy dissapointed me big time.
            Been sayin' this from jumpstreet on this dude. He's still a prospect imo. He looked flashy knocking out dudes like Chuy Ruiz and lost to Glencoffe Johnson.
            I've never been impressed.
            I agree w/ you about Bhop and Joe.
            Tarver is 40 and he gave him all he could handle.


              this grew quikc lol


                Originally posted by El Gallo Negro! View Post
                I like Chad Dawson, one of my favorite fighters,

                but he is the divisions version of Jermaine Taylor
                I agree in that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  c'mon man dawson is better than taylor...

                  I wouldn't call dawson a B+ fighter... he's like an A- fighter.

