i give lennox a punchers chance for sure, but i have to go with waldo here. lennox is to far out now. his best bet would be to try a corrie sanders and push wlad hard trying to land a bomb early, otherwise i don't see him winning. several yrs ago lennox by ko.
Is this how low the heavyweight division has gone, God help us all
yes. 40% voted for lewis by ko so far. that is a big indication as to the state of the hw division right now that a 42 year old could come back after a 5 year layoff and beat the #1 hw in the world.
Say it ain't so??? You think Tyson was better than Lennox?
prefer doesn't mean better.
prime tyson before all the jail muscle would have done better against lewis but tough for a 5'11 guy to fight a 6'5 guy. unlike what some here wishes......SIZE DOES MATTER.