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Ruiz, Mollo and Hernandez Rack Up Wins

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    Ruiz, Mollo and Hernandez Rack Up Wins

    ... and round by round for any bout that piques your interest.

    So far:

    John Ruiz TKO2 (0:45) Otis Tisdale - heavyweights
    Ruiz scores three knockdowns - two in the 1st (both from body shots), and one in the 2nd, the final knockdown forcing a stoppage on the spot. Tisdale took fight on 48 hours notice after Sergei Like-A-***** pulled out.

    Karim Mayfield TKO2 (2:47) Rahman Yasubov - Welterweights
    Mayfield scored 3 knockdowns in the 2nd round to force the stoppage

    Miguel Acosta SD12 Anges Adjaho - 12 round WBA junior lightweight eliminator
    Acosta down in the 9th and 12th, but otherwise dominates previously unbeaten Adjaho. Scores 115-112 Acosta, 114-112 Acosta, and 115-111 Adjaho. Acosta now mandatory challenger to Edwin Valero

    Devon Alexander TKO1 (2:59) Cory Peterson - junior welterweights
    Alexander scores two knockdowns, Peterson stopped after non-responsive following 2nd knockdown

    ruiz was ready to go it looked like


      yeah, he got caught with a shot I think he didn't expect.

      Even with Tisdale being what he is as far as opponents go, Ruiz fought with actual purpose for the first time in a long time. I doubt we ever again see it against an opponent worth a damn, but was a nice touch for his fight not only to NOT be a stinker, but also end as quick as it did.


        Angel Hernandez (27-6, 16KO) vs. Louis Turner (11-0. 7KO) in battle of Chicago middleweights.

        Round 1:
        Hernandez starts out jabbing. Looks to force a fast pace. Turner drops right hand, gets caught with right, wobbles as Hernandez looks to press. Turner regains composure, but spending most of the first minute fighting in reverse. Hernandez lands overhand right. Hernandez clinches as Turner looks to go to body. Hernandez warned for leading with his head (He's a Toro, what do you expect!). Turner way short with overhand right. Hernandez lands straight right, Turner not reacting well. Body shots by Hernandez, Turner goes to the body. Hernandez lands looping right hand, Turner once again buzzed. Turner trapped in corner, but punches his way out. Hernandez can't miss with overhand right, but Turner starting to land right hands. Overhand right for Hernandez, and right to body to end the round. Crowd ooh and ahhing througout action packed round

        Hernandez 10-9


          God I wish I was there...


            Angel Hernandez (27-6, 16KO) vs. Louis Turner (11-0. 7KO)

            Round 2 of scheduled 8:

            Turner jabs to start round 2. Hernandez lands right hand, Turner stunned but recovers quickly. Turner landing to body, Hernande looking to force an inside fight. Turner obliges, warned for low blows. Toe to toe action througout the round, crowd into it. Turner holding his own on the inside, and manages to reestablish distance. Turner jabbing from the outside. Hernandez shoves Turner to the ropes. Hernandez coming forward, but Turner throwing and landing. Left hook grazes Turner's chin. Overhand right for Hernandez after eating a straight right.

            Turner 10-9, though close (19-19)


              Angel Hernandez (27-6, 16KO) vs. Louis Turner (11-0. 7KO)

              Round 3 of 8 (or less):
              Turner starts out jabbing, but not offering any lateral movement. Hernandez landing on the inside, forces Turner to corner. Turner landing on the inside, uppercut snaps back Hernandez' head. Overhand right rocks Hernandez. Combo upstairs for Turner, Hernandez stunned. Hernandez comes back, lands right hand. Jab by Turner, who backs into the ropes. Hernandez to body, lands a bit low, no warning. Left hook, uppercuts for Turner. Both trade left hooks along the ropes. Left, right, left for Turner. Hernadez comes back, lands overhand right. What a ****in war! LEft hook for Hernandez. Turner counters with right hand. Left right for Hernandez, both partially blocked. Turner escapes corner, lands right, eats right, lands right, left. Body shot by Turner to end round. WOW!

              Turner 10-9 (Turner 29-28)


                Round 4:

                Turner comes out swinging, lands overhand right. Hernandez comes right back. Action slows just a bit (well-deserved). Turner jabs, Hernandez overshoots overhand right. Jab by Hernandez, left to body. Overhand right by Hernandez partially blocked. Turner appears to be taking the round off, perhaps to catch his second wind. Hernandez bullies Turner to the ropes. LEft hook upstairs and to body for Hernandez. Jab by Turner, Hernandez counters with right, neither punch lands. Turner works jab. Hernandez lands right to the body. Hernandez plays to crowd a bit. Turner lands right hand, Hernandez twists out of a clinch, does a faux dance to mess with Turner. Hernandez lands right hand.

                Hernandez 10-9 (38-38)


                  Round 5:

                  Hernandez working jab, Turner for 2nd round in a row not offering much of anything. Hernandez lands jab, misses with overhand left. Hernandez lands on the inside, Turner comes back with right and left. Hernandez keeps Turner pinned in corner. Overhand right for Hernandez, crowd distracted from the action as Felix Trinidad enters the arena. Overhand right for Hernandez. Turner lands left to the body. OVerhand right for Hernandez. Right hand for Turner, both fighters appear to be fatigued. Both trade body shots, Hernandez lands right hand upstairs.

                  Hernandez 10-9 (H, 48-47)


                    how much were the tickets?

