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must read

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    must read

    A good article by Jose Rivera.



      In general, an idea that should be seriously considered. But here are some points that may be raised:

      + High purses comparative to salary floors of NBA, MLB, NHL, NFL players should not cover non-rated fighters. Even in baseball, basketball, etc., small leagues cannot go up to the salary scale of their respective top leagues. If one raises the purses of unranked fighters, one drives away small-time promoters and thus deprive the boys in the ****** a chance to make it to the bigtime. Moreover, one reduces the sustainability of boxing as a sport if one makes it too expensive to put up those small town boxing shows. Any sport's survival derives from the strength of grassroots support.

      + If the world is to be divided by two main ruling bodies in boxing, how shall each ruling body call its champions? "Welterweight Champion of HALF A WORLD?", Heavyweight Champion of HALF OF THE WORLD"...? It's like calling a pretty chick "Miss UNIVERSE" when no one was certain there could have been someone better looking in Venus! Common sense has finally caught up with the NBA; it has stopped calling its annual champs, "World Champions". Sadly, common sense is still a scarce commodity in boxing's ruling bodies. Thus, WBA still calls its champions, "WBA Champions of the World", a nomenclature that would have been ludicrous were it comprehensible! Same with the other alphabet bodies.

      + The article fails to fully address the roles of Don King, Arum and company. They, more than any other, are seen, by consensus of boxing fans worldwide, as having inflicted the worst wounds on boxing. What if it happens that Hair Royal Hairness takes control of one of the two remaining bodies and Harvard Alumnus Arum takes the other? Wouldn't we find ourselves in a more dire situation than that we now are finding ourselves in?

      + TV is one of the biggest power players in the fight bizniz. Some would even claim it is the biggest. It (as an industry) should be given greater attention than what the article proposes.

      + Creating a union for boxers is fine. But haven't we seen enough strikes in the NBA, NFL, MLB...? Whose to say that fighters will be a lot less greedy than baseball, basketball and football players?

      Hey, just asking...!

