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Witter v Alexander Fight Chat Thread

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    Witter v Alexander Fight Chat Thread

    Thought I would start this early so we can chat about it in general but first of all I hope someone can tell me what time it is on and if its on UK tv because it doesn't show up on my tv guide.

    just done a quick seach and i cant find it either. not sure if its even on tv.

    On another note AA v Oral is being replayed on the 4th on Eurosport


      Originally posted by gingeralbino View Post
      just done a quick seach and i cant find it either. not sure if its even on tv.

      On another note AA v Oral is being replayed on the 4th on Eurosport

      I hope I don't need to use a stream for the fight.


        pretty certain it isn't on UK tv. Think its on Showtime, so you will have to stream unfortunately, will justin.tv be showing it?


          just dont post the link if you get a good stream.


            anyone who gets a good stream hit me up with it please!


              I can't be bothered with streams man, someone hit me up with one if they get it.

              Try and avoid Justin.tv because they usually always get pulled.


                Yeah i'll be getting up at 2/3am for this one plus Bradley-Campbell, will check all my stream links i've used in the past and will send links via PM if I find a working one and if people could do the same for me that would be great. I'm hoping for a Witter win but he's gonna have to knock Alexander out cos he ain't winning a decision. I might put money on an Alexander/Bradley double but I'd like to see Witter and Bradley win.


                  Originally posted by AndyShitHot View Post
                  Yeah i'll be getting up at 2/3am for this one plus Bradley-Campbell, will check all my stream links i've used in the past and will send links via PM if I find a working one and if people could do the same for me that would be great. I'm hoping for a Witter win but he's gonna have to knock Alexander out cos he ain't winning a decision. I might put money on an Alexander/Bradley double but I'd like to see Witter and Bradley win.
                  If its that late then I aint even sure I will be up for it now.


                    Flashboxingstreams are showing the Witter fight and the Bradley fight. just pay 1.99 for the trial and you will get a good stream that will NOT be pulled down.

