Brand new poll, lads. Never been done.
First, let's look at parameters of our study. We are determining the lowest IQ, not the ******est act. Don't point to some individual act and say, "Look what he does/says/is here: by Sneezy, that means he is really dumb."
Instead, which champ proves to you over a lifetime that he is not more ******, but more dumb, than the rest. Such a man would be rather poor with language, I have to imagine. To be a great boxer there are skills that must be learned properly. There are instructions that must be comprehended. A true MR could never be champ unless he were so physically superior to his opponents that his thickness would not even matter. A ******ed Angus McKaskill, for instance, might waste Wilder or Tyson as long as he had the right attitude to go with his dumbness.
Essentially, I do not believe a person who is too ****** can ever be heavyweight champion, unless he is close to 8 feet tall and a specimen.
Have at it, lads. Let's see who you pick and what kind of evidence you can muster.
First, let's look at parameters of our study. We are determining the lowest IQ, not the ******est act. Don't point to some individual act and say, "Look what he does/says/is here: by Sneezy, that means he is really dumb."
Instead, which champ proves to you over a lifetime that he is not more ******, but more dumb, than the rest. Such a man would be rather poor with language, I have to imagine. To be a great boxer there are skills that must be learned properly. There are instructions that must be comprehended. A true MR could never be champ unless he were so physically superior to his opponents that his thickness would not even matter. A ******ed Angus McKaskill, for instance, might waste Wilder or Tyson as long as he had the right attitude to go with his dumbness.
Essentially, I do not believe a person who is too ****** can ever be heavyweight champion, unless he is close to 8 feet tall and a specimen.
Have at it, lads. Let's see who you pick and what kind of evidence you can muster.