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President Ibeabuchi

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    President Ibeabuchi

    I.B. holds a record for the most punches thrown over 12 rounds, against Tua.

    I think he also holds the record for most muscular boxer, at least until Joshua came along.

    In Joshua we see the lack of stamina we expect from a thoroughvred muscle elephant.

    What made I.B. so different?

    It is hard not to guess PEDs. I personally do not believe anyone that size can fight the way he did against the Samoan without assistance from PEDs.

    All night long I.B. threw punches like a featherweight--no featherweight had ever thrown more, in fact.

    There is something wrong with the picture when you watch that fight. Only the mighty Tua would have been able to withstand such an unnatural fusillade.

    I have no proof except human experience. My experience tells me men cannot perform that way without PED help. A man built like Joshua or I.B. cannot throw more punches in battle than a featherweight, unless....

    So what do you think? Am I wrong in my assumption?

    Not every punch was hard.


      Originally posted by Mr.MojoRisin' View Post
      Not every punch was hard.
      Quite true. He threw a lot of arm punches, but quite a few hard ones, also. Let's not forget what he was taking in return and what it should have taken out of him defending against the likes of Tua.

      I am still very su****ious of the president. He did not seem nearly as cut for the Byrd fight.


        I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he was on PEDs.

        Roid rage would certainly explain some of his violent outbursts.


          Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
          I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he was on PEDs.

          Roid rage would certainly explain some of his violent outbursts.
          That is what I was thinking. Also, he had the right resume in all respects to have someday become the president of Uganda. I think he still does. Prison does not hurt that resume.

          If I.B. was really PED-free and as good and tough as the Tua and Byrd fights indicate, then we lost an ATG and our next heavyweight champion to another kind of rage.


            Originally posted by ShoulderRoll View Post
            I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he was on PEDs.

            Roid rage would certainly explain some of his violent outbursts.
            Originally posted by The Old LefHook View Post
            That is what I was thinking. Also, he had the right resume in all respects to have someday become the president of Uganda. I think he still does. Prison does not hurt that resume.

            If I.B. was really PED-free and as good and tough as the Tua and Byrd fights indicate, then we lost an ATG and our next heavyweight champion to another kind of rage.

            the roids would explain why he beat up and ****d a **********. I.B. always had a reputation for being mentally unstable too, and he will be the next president of Uganda


              Isn't I.B. out of prison now? I thought I saw rumors of a comeback a few years ago. That sounds like a notorious fight for Shannon Briggs, if he can stay clean long enough.


                Originally posted by The Old LefHook View Post

                I think he also holds the record for most muscular boxer, at least until Joshua came along.
                Did you ever watch Bruno vs. Floyd Jumbo Cummings?

                Or Mike Weaver?

                Ike was big-bulky but not sure if he held the record for the most muscular, if there is such a record.


                  What really rasps me is that some of today's muscle elephant boxers have more muscle and better bodies (for competitive bodybuilding, at least) than the beefiest musclemen of old, such as Charles Atlas and Joe Weider. Has weightlifting technique really come that far?

                  What I would really like to know (and I am dying to know this) is how far the body can be taken without PED's. Some boxers of old were extremely hard, such as Emile Griffith, Tom Sharkey, young Holyfield and Hagler. I think the otherworldy hardness can be had for the price of terrific work, but modern muscle mass may be a different matter, and may require chemical help.

                  What do you think about this? I figure a very large percentage of top boxers have been on steroids or some kind of PEDs in the last decade and a half. If ever proven, I do not think anything they did in boxing should count in the record books. Their accomplishments should be expunged, or at least put in perspective with asteriks and footnotes.

                  I know this is too harsh for most people. But it is the one tactic that might work to stop athletes, once they felt their legacies were in danger. How about long or eternal banishments from sport for infractions proven to be non-accidental?

                  To me watching steroid bulls compete has about the same interest as watching robots fight. I am not interested in watching. Not at all. That is how I feel about steroid bulls and robots.


                    Really? I quite enjoyed seeing robots fight in Real Steel or the Twilight Zone episode Steel, both adapted from a Richard Matheson short story, who also wrote the story that became the movie Duel.

