Henry Armstrong certainly seemed to have the most stamina, but if I recall correctly it was discovered that his heart was a third larger than the average human heart after he died. Although he trained very hard, his stamina was largely naturally.
By most accounts from trainers and guys who saw him go to work, Marciano trained harder than any of them. I've heard that he would duckwalk up 30 flights of stairs when staying at a hotel, and then come back down before going into the pool to tread water and practice his uppercuts. The duckwalking, which would completely exhaust most athletes, was just a warmup. Just incredible strength and endurance in his legs. His discipline carried over into his diet when he would often chew on a steak until he had ****** the juice out, and then he'd spit out the actual meat. He was absolutely fanatical about his weight and condition, almost obsessive about it.
And we're talking about a guy who could really put the food away when he wasn't in training. Marciano loved to eat, and had no great love for roadwork, but he was so disciplined and strong willed that he put himself through shaolin monk like preperation for his fights.
Marciano gets my pick, without question.
By most accounts from trainers and guys who saw him go to work, Marciano trained harder than any of them. I've heard that he would duckwalk up 30 flights of stairs when staying at a hotel, and then come back down before going into the pool to tread water and practice his uppercuts. The duckwalking, which would completely exhaust most athletes, was just a warmup. Just incredible strength and endurance in his legs. His discipline carried over into his diet when he would often chew on a steak until he had ****** the juice out, and then he'd spit out the actual meat. He was absolutely fanatical about his weight and condition, almost obsessive about it.
And we're talking about a guy who could really put the food away when he wasn't in training. Marciano loved to eat, and had no great love for roadwork, but he was so disciplined and strong willed that he put himself through shaolin monk like preperation for his fights.
Marciano gets my pick, without question.