Originally posted by travestyny
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I don't particularly think he/the commission was wrong for pushing for a Wills fight. I would have been pushing for a Wills fight. Wills earned his shot and should have gotten it. . . . never thought anything other than that, never said a word against it.
What I am trying to get you to see is that the NYSAC is not a go-to source if you are looking for unbiased information.
You appeal to authority too often, with quotes from 'big names' whom I believe you should see have a vested interest, . . . but you don't. Your failure to recognize their obvious bias annoys me!
What I showed you with Sammons was just how corrupt all those Irishmen really were; when Farley made his move to please Carnera's people (dare I say Italian gangsters) it caused enough disgust/stink that there came a call for a national governing body to be created and the fight didn't get title recognition, but boy he tried. He got caught looking dirty.
New York - Tammnny Hall - NYSAC = corruption.
Sure, I do think they got it right on Harry Wills, but they weren't doing it as some act of justice; they were going to make money off him/it.
So stop throwing their quotes around as if they actually hold some kind of historical value.