here is my list of top ranked fighters for the last two decades.
Marvin Hagler was ranked four straight years by the KO panel.
In late 84 they had the top three as:
1)Marvin Hagler
2)Aaron Pryor
3)Thomas Hearns
Pryor self destructed while Thomas hearns, KO's fighter of the year for 1984 was levelled by the incomparable Hagler in 85. Anyone else would have been murdered by Hearns including Leonard.
but my pick for the entire decade would Hagler, Camacho, and then Mike Spinks
Actually, I was glad to see Mike humbled.I don't think he really cared but I was glad because I got tired of seeing him in with the likes of Steffan Tangstad, washed up never was/has-been Gerry Cooney who probably threw the fight to begin with, and larry Holmes who had been a shell since his life and death struggle with Tim Witherspoon in 1983.
We saw his true mettle against a young lion instead of old shell in Larry Holmes.
Camacho was untouchable at 130, dominating also at 135 and undefeated for entire decade. Who else could make that claim in the 80's? That's right, no one.
For the 90's we have Roy Jones. No argument there.
IMO, Rid**** Bowe. he was better than that china chinned human iceberg Lennonx lewis. More heart and fought harder. Anyone think Bowe would lose to McCall AND Rahman?
He wouldn't have lost to either one let alone by knockout.
DLH gets my third place vote. Love him or hate him, he took on everyone going way beyond the call of duty all the way from where he started at 130 (winning championship there) and fighting for a title from undisputed Champ Hopkins.
Marvin Hagler was ranked four straight years by the KO panel.
In late 84 they had the top three as:
1)Marvin Hagler
2)Aaron Pryor
3)Thomas Hearns
Pryor self destructed while Thomas hearns, KO's fighter of the year for 1984 was levelled by the incomparable Hagler in 85. Anyone else would have been murdered by Hearns including Leonard.
but my pick for the entire decade would Hagler, Camacho, and then Mike Spinks
Actually, I was glad to see Mike humbled.I don't think he really cared but I was glad because I got tired of seeing him in with the likes of Steffan Tangstad, washed up never was/has-been Gerry Cooney who probably threw the fight to begin with, and larry Holmes who had been a shell since his life and death struggle with Tim Witherspoon in 1983.
We saw his true mettle against a young lion instead of old shell in Larry Holmes.
Camacho was untouchable at 130, dominating also at 135 and undefeated for entire decade. Who else could make that claim in the 80's? That's right, no one.
For the 90's we have Roy Jones. No argument there.
IMO, Rid**** Bowe. he was better than that china chinned human iceberg Lennonx lewis. More heart and fought harder. Anyone think Bowe would lose to McCall AND Rahman?
He wouldn't have lost to either one let alone by knockout.
DLH gets my third place vote. Love him or hate him, he took on everyone going way beyond the call of duty all the way from where he started at 130 (winning championship there) and fighting for a title from undisputed Champ Hopkins.