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Anthony The Man Mudine

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    Anthony The Man Mudine

    What are your thoughts on mudine? i rate him highly his wins over soliman, geale and green are the highlights of his career so far. There is talk of him fighting felix strum a fight i think mudine wins for the wba middleweight title. I rank mudine 5th best austrlian fighter of all time 1 Jeff Fenech 2 Lionel Rose, 3 Jeff Harding 4 Tony Mudine snr and number 5 Anthony Mudine. Mudine only had 4 amature bouts when he was 17, then turned pro at 25, you got to give him credit, boxing wasnt even his first sport! and he still wins wba and ibo world titles and beat some solid fighters such as 2 time world champion danny green!

    What about, Les Darcy, Dave Sands, Jimmy Carruthers and Johnny Famechon?... I'd say all of these guys had much better resumes..

    Mundine's a very good boxer, but he's also a gob****e and one of the most unpopular fighters the Aussies have ever had.. In other words, he doesn't put bums on seats and fight promoters don't exactly fall over one another to aquire his services.. He is also the only man ever to be rendered unconscious by the powder fisted Sven Otkke, which is a wonder in itself..


      Mundine is absolute garbage.Every world class fighter he fought,he lost.Since his losses,he stays at home and fights no names and tomato cans...

