Roy Jones beats Grebb... Jones to fast and skillfull, Jones had amazing legs at 160lbs and with his `in and out`movement was virtually impossible to hit, add to this his amazing hand-speed & hand-eye-co-ordination then Jones wins by UD.
Grebb beats LaMotta... although i have never seen Grebb fight as there is no available film-footage of him, i have seen quite a few fights of LaMotta... from what i have read about Harry Grebb and his achievements i take Grebb to beat LaMotta by UD due to his far superior boxing skills which was good enough to beat the first great scientific fighter Gene Tunney.
Well that's the reason I started this thread. I noticed a lot of people had RJJ below Greb on their lists and I'm trying to figure out why. I haven't seen much film on him either, just some sparring and training video's. Basically when he spars, it looks like the impression Conan O'brien does when he imitates an 1800's boxer. Arms curled and hopping back and forth. I couldn't imagine him having a shot against RJJ or the guys he fought.
I also believe that Jake LaMotta would pick him apart.
For his time he may have been a great, but how would he do against modern fighters with modern day techniques, knowledge, training, conditioning, and nutrition?
Or do we not take this into account when we talk all time greats? Do we just consider what they did "for their time" and disregard the fact that a lot of modern day fighters would pick them apart?
For his time he may have been a great, but how would he do against modern fighters with modern day techniques, knowledge, training, conditioning, and nutrition?
Or do we not take this into account when we talk all time greats? Do we just consider what they did "for their time" and disregard the fact that a lot of modern day fighters would pick them apart?
If you aren't comparing the fighters on a level playing field then you're wasting your time. It's pointless and nothing is learned.
If you pit an old-timer against a modern fighter in todays time than the old-timer gets access to all the knowledge, nutrition, conditioning that the modern fighter does. If you pit them back in th old-timers era than the modern fighter has to make do with THAT eras knowledge, nutrition, conditioning. You don't get to have it both ways. Both fighters have to play on the same playing field or not play at all.
If you aren't comparing the fighters on a level playing field then you're wasting your time. It's pointless and nothing is learned.
If you pit an old-timer against a modern fighter in todays time than the old-timer gets access to all the knowledge, nutrition, conditioning that the modern fighter does. If you pit them back in th old-timers era than the modern fighter has to make do with THAT eras knowledge, nutrition, conditioning. You don't get to have it both ways. Both fighters have to play on the same playing field or not play at all.
If you aren't comparing the fighters on a level playing field then you're wasting your time. It's pointless and nothing is learned.
If you pit an old-timer against a modern fighter in todays time than the old-timer gets access to all the knowledge, nutrition, conditioning that the modern fighter does. If you pit them back in th old-timers era than the modern fighter has to make do with THAT eras knowledge, nutrition, conditioning. You don't get to have it both ways. Both fighters have to play on the same playing field or not play at all.
So then it's really impossible to determine an all time great. The best we can do is determine "the best of the era?"
So then it's really impossible to determine an all time great. The best we can do is determine "the best of the era?"
You can compare them but you have to take into account the differences in the eras that they fought in. There's more work involved and a lot more thought has to go into it as it doesn't lend itself to glib conclusions. It's like baseball: You can't compare hitters between eras unless you adjust for the fact that some eras have better pitching than others.
I don't know how anyone could make a good conclusion about either of these fights considering the lack of footage of Greb. I know how great Greb is based off what I have read of him but I don't think I could analyze how a fight would turn out without any footage of the fighter being available.
For his time he may have been a great, but how would he do against modern fighters with modern day techniques, knowledge, training, conditioning, and nutrition?
What exactly do you think are better about the techniques and knowledge? Fighters back then learned their trade by fighting many more times than todays fighters. Techniques haven't changed all that much. I would even argue they may have digressed. Fighters today don't parry, feint, are catch punches with their gloves nearly as much as the old timers, they rely more on athletic ability than learned skills. Training hasn't changed all that much. Condition is definitely in favor of the old timers, thats really not even arguable. Nutrition I'll give you, but that it.
Or do we not take this into account when we talk all time greats? Do we just consider what they did "for their time" and disregard the fact that a lot of modern day fighters would pick them apart?
Again, what are you basing your assumption on that modern day fighters would "pick them apart"?
So then it's really impossible to determine an all time great. The best we can do is determine "the best of the era?"
No. You base it on level of competition and longevity. How can Roy Jones be rated a greater middleweight than Greb when he never fought the same quality of fighters as Greb and didn't do it as long?