By Ryan Burton


Victor Conte, founder of the infamous BALCO Lab, appeared on the latest edition of "The Boxing Lab," which is's official audio show. The controversial figure gave his opinion on a variety of topics. One that is sure to raise eyebrows are his thoughts on boxing's two pound for pound kings. Conte, who works with fighters such as Nonito Donaire and Andre Berto, said that he wouldn't be surprised if both Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather are using performance enhancing drugs. 


When asked if he thought Pacquiao was using performance enhancing drugs, he said:

"I am suspicious of both guys [Pacquiao and Mayweather]. Both guys put on 20 to 30 pounds [over the years]. Am I suspicious? Of course I am suspicious. Drugs have been rampant for five decades professional sports," Conte said.

Conte points to the fact that both fighters have been able to increase their weight yet maintain their speed and strength. Pacquiao captured titles in eight weight divisions, while Mayweather has captured titles in five weight classes. 

"Any time you see this rapid increase in size and retention of speed and power it is suspicious," stated Conte.


The Bay Area resident explained that testing for performance enhancing drugs, during a boxer's training camp, won't necessarily catch a fighter who is using those illegal substances. According to Conte, a fighter could use performance enhancing drugs before and after his training camp and cycle them off before the random blood testing process is initiated.

"Here you have Floyd Mayweather who shows up out of nowhere at the Berto and Ortiz fight and then a week later they were both in a random drug pool. Where was he before that?"


Send questions or comments to Follow Ryan on Twitter @ringsidewriter and tune in to The Boxing Lab, Boxingscene's official audio on Tuesdays. The show is hosted by Ernie Gabion, Luis Sandoval and Ryan Burton.